Friday, August 20, 2010

How to Grow Your Own Vegetable Garden

How to Grow Your Own Vegetable Garden

You might think that growing your own vegetable garden is a lot of work, time consuming and a hassle. The first thing that would come into your mind when you hear garden would be maintenance, time and dirt. Well, that is true. Growing your own vegetable garden would require some time, your maintenance and a little bit of dirt here or there. But you will be very happy with the results from your hard work. Growing your own vegetable garden has a lot of benefits, mostly health wise. And, while waiting for your own plants to grow, you don't need to focus on them that much. All they need is some tender loving care then you are good to go.

Determination of Your Own Garden

First thing you have to consider in growing your own vegetable is whether you are really determined to grow your own vegetable garden. You have to weight out the options on whether you can manage growing your own vegetable garden. You would not want everything you did go to waste now, would you? Be sure that you have enough time before going on and reading on how to grow your own vegetable garden. If you are 100% sure and willing to, read on these helpful tips to help and guide you in doing so.

In growing your own vegetable garden, you have to think about where you will plant these vegetables. This is very important since this will be where you will be placing your own vegetable garden. As we all know, it is very essential for plants that they are exposed to sunlight. So, when figuring out where to start your vegetable garden, always think if the plants would be exposed to proper sunlight when placed there. Sunlight plays a huge part in your vegetables' growth. Never miss out on this very important tip.

Preparing soil

The next step in growing your own vegetable garden would be preparing the soil. Aside from sunlight, well-drained soil is necessary when growing your vegetable garden. Your soil should be stone free so you should be sure to pick out those stones in your soil for a successful garden. Your soil should be supplied with enough organic matter. Your soil should not be wet before you work on it. If the soil sticks together in a ball and it does not fall apart, then the soil is too wet for you to work on. Let it dry for a while.

After this, you should check out the pH level of your soil. You should research on the proper amount of pH because it differs on the vegetable that you are going to plant in that soil. Most vegetables live in soils that have a pH level of 6 and/or 7. Once your soil structure, fertility and pH have been established, the soil should be tilled one last time, and then raked smooth.

Planting Your seed

The next step, and probably the most exciting step for you, would be planting your seeds. It is always best to plant your seeds in a straight line, rather than just placing them anywhere. This is to make them grow properly. The roots might get tangled to one another or they might grow sideways, making them bump into each other, lessening the chance for your vegetables to grow beautifully, so you have to plant them in a straight, orderly line. It is also highly suggested that you plant your seeds in a depth that is twice the diameter of your seed. You may then spray them with water but do not drown them. Spray them with the right amount, just so they could be moistened.

If you are still confused on what you should plant, then consider what vegetable you would eat. Since you are growing your own vegetable garden, you are most likely to benefit from this. If not, then consider on what the people around you would love to eat. Growing your own vegetable garden does not only assure the quality and safeness of the vegetable that you would eat, it also helps you save money since you don't have to go to the market to buy your own vegetables.

Kevin Payne is gardener enthusiast, and enjoys helping others get started in this amazing hobby. The newest eBook, "Herb Garden Kits," teaches gardening and everything you need to know about Raised Vegetable Garden Beds. If you need to know more info starting and maintaining a thriving herb gardening visit

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